How much money will I earn?

Ah the perpetual income question! Whilst we have guide prices for our programmes and packages, how much money you earn really depends on your appetite for work! Even working on your own, it is realistic that you can earn multiple five-figures each month without being a slave to your calendar. We want our DICE Area Directors to be ambitious, with the drive and determination to grow a multiple six-figure business – we give you the tools to do so, the rest is up to you!

Will I have to follow a script when working with clients?

Absolutely not! Our recruitment strategy is to on-board highly experienced business professionals with their own wealth of experience and specialisms, therefore we actively encourage franchisees to allow their personality and experience to come through in their client delivery. We are not interested in creating DICE clones, rather it is about supporting DICE franchisees with a wealth of business leadership materials which have been developed and applied in the SME marketplace. Once you have signed your franchise agreement, we will give you full training on how to market and deliver DICE services, as well as how to build your personal brand – it is your personality (big or small!) that is the gold dust!

I think I can go it alone, why should I invest in a DICE franchise?

We have been in your shoes. When we started the journey into business ownership, we made every mistake in the book – from spending thousands on fancy branding and web development

Dice Business Limited,
Gorse Stacks House,
George Street, Chester

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