As people all over the world celebrate Halloween this week and embrace the spooky spirit, it’s the perfect time to discuss overcoming the fears that sometimes haunt us in business. These can be particularly spooktacular if you own and run your own business! 

Overcoming fears in business is essential for personal and professional growth, as well as for the success of any entrepreneurial endeavour. Fear often paralyses decision-making, inhibits risk-taking, and hinders innovation. 

In the dynamic landscape of business, where change is constant and competition is fierce, being able to confront and conquer fears is a crucial skill. Whether it’s the fear of failure, fear of rejection, or fear of the unknown, these emotions can hold individuals back from seizing opportunities, adapting to market shifts, and achieving their full potential. 

By conquering their fears, entrepreneurs and business leaders can foster resilience, gain confidence, and make bolder, more calculated choices that can lead to innovation, growth, and long-term success. In the world of business, embracing discomfort and uncertainty often paves the way for the most significant breakthroughs and accomplishments.

Here are our top 10 tips on how to conquer your professional phantoms.

1. Face Your Fears: Just like exploring a haunted house, step into the unknown with courage. Acknowledge your fears, dissect them, and confront them head-on.

2. Seek Expert Guidance: In business, there’s no need to go it alone. Much like a ghostbuster, reach out to mentors or advisors (like us!) who have experience tackling similar challenges. We can help you navigate the darkness.

3. Preparation is Key: Just as you’d prepare for a night of trick-or-treating, prepare for your business challenges. Research, plan, and gather the necessary resources to boost your confidence.

4. Embrace Failure as a Teacher: Remember, it’s okay to make mistakes. Failure is not a ghost to be feared; it’s a teacher that guides you toward success. Learn from it, adapt, and keep moving forward.

5. Harness the Power of Networking: Much like a coven of witches, a strong professional network can work wonders. Connect with peers and colleagues who can offer support and guidance during challenging times.

6. Adapt and Innovate: Think of yourself as a vampire adapting to different environments. Embrace change, stay agile, and continually seek innovative solutions to stay ahead in your industry.

7. Stay Resilient: Like a werewolf transforming under the full moon, you too can tap into your inner strength. Stay resilient in the face of adversity and remember that setbacks are temporary.

8. Invest in Personal Development: Consider participating in workshops, seminars, or courses focused on topics such as leadership, emotional intelligence, and resilience. These programs can equip you with practical tools and techniques to manage fear and anxiety effectively.

9. Practise self-care: Consider practices like mindfulness meditation, journaling, and visualisation – all of which can help you better understand the root causes of your fears. By enhancing your self-awareness you can confront and conquer fears with greater ease.

10. Seek professional coaching: Coaching can provide tailored support, helping you identify and address the specific fears that may be holding you back in your business, ultimately empowering you to conquer them with confidence.

Get in touch if you’d like some help overcoming your business fears and challenges – whether it is mentoring, coaching, or more structured training – we can help.

In the hustle and bustle of the business world, complexity can easily creep in, making operations cumbersome and decision-making convoluted. Yet, it’s often the simplest solutions that lead to the greatest success. In this blog, we’ll explore why business owners should embrace the art of simplification and how they can streamline their organisations for a more successful and efficient future.

Why simplify?

Ways to simplify…

In a world that often seems to glorify complexity, embracing simplicity can be a game-changer for business owners. By simplifying processes, systems, and workflows, you can achieve greater clarity, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. Moreover, a streamlined organisation is better positioned to adapt to changing circumstances and deliver an exceptional customer experience. Simplification isn’t about cutting corners; it’s about removing the unnecessary layers that hinder success and allowing your business to thrive in a more agile and straightforward manner. If you would like some help with simplifying the way you do business, we can help. Get in touch!

If you are a manager of people, you hold the key to your team’s success! Who else is there to motivate, engage and encourage high-performance? 

In this blog, we’ll explore the five top ways to unlock the potential of your team to deliver outstanding results.

  1. Be open and transparent 

The term ‘effective communication’ is often talked about as the cornerstone of successful management but what does that mean, really? We say it is all about being open and transparent with your team members. Encourage people to voice their opinions, share concerns, and ask questions without fear of reprisal. Regular team meetings and one-to-one check-ins foster an environment where everyone feels heard and valued.

When communication flows freely, managers gain valuable insights into the team’s dynamics, challenges, and aspirations. This knowledge enables them to make informed decisions, address issues promptly, and provide timely feedback, all of which contribute to a more engaged and motivated team.

  1. Set clear expectations

Clarity is key to performance excellence. People managers should work with their teams to define clear expectations. Ensure that each team member understands their role, responsibilities, and how their contributions contribute to the larger organisational objectives. This is not a ‘one and done’ thing! Make time to spend with your individual team members so that they have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do and reinforce the value they bring to the team. We often hear the term ‘it’s not rocket science’, but this is something that often gets overlooked. If people know where the boundaries of their role are they are more likely to perform at their best.

  1. Provide ongoing feedback and recognition

Feedback and recognition are powerful tools for motivation and growth. People managers should offer constructive feedback regularly, not just during formal performance reviews. But beware being the manager that only tells people when they’re doing something wrong because there’s no quicker demotivator! Acknowledge employees’ accomplishments, highlight their strengths, and provide guidance on areas for improvement.

Recognition, whether public or private, boosts morale and reinforces desired behaviours. It demonstrates appreciation for hard work and dedication. Managers who take the time to celebrate individual and team achievements create a positive and motivated work environment.

  1. Foster a culture of ongoing development

Investing in employee development is an investment in the team’s future success. People managers should work with team members to identify their career aspirations and growth opportunities within the organisation. Provide access to training, coaching, mentorship, and resources which help employees acquire new skills and reach their full potential.

Encourage a growth mindset within the team, where individuals view challenges as opportunities for learning and development. When employees feel supported in their personal and professional growth, they are more likely to stay engaged and committed to their roles.

  1. Lead by example

People managers are role models for their teams. Leading by example is one of the most effective ways to inspire and motivate others. Demonstrate the values, work ethic, and behaviours you expect from your team members. Show commitment to the organisation’s vision, and be willing to roll up your sleeves and collaborate with your team when needed.

Leading with integrity, empathy, and a strong sense of ethics builds trust and respect within the team. When managers set a high standard for themselves, it encourages their employees to do the same.

Your people managers can create an environment where employees feel motivated, engaged, and empowered to excel. These best practices not only contribute to individual and team success but also drive overall organisational achievement. If your managers aren’t equipped with people leadership skills and knowledge, we can help! Drop us a line to find out more.

In the pursuit of excellence, individuals and organisations often turn to performance coaching as a powerful tool to unlock their full potential. Our Co-Founder Kate Cousens is currently mid-way through an in-depth programme accredited by the International Coaching Federation and has discovered that so much of human performance is tied up in psychology – in this blog she shares how understanding the mind can lead to transformative results.

In embarking on the coaching programme, I was keen to learn more about how I could help my clients to do more, be more, have more in their business or career and wow, have we gone deep on the psychology around this! It is fascinating to learn how powerful the human mind is and how as a coach, through applying a deeper understanding of human psychology I can help individuals navigate the complex terrain of their minds to overcome barriers, set meaningful goals, and achieve their highest aspirations.

The first lesson I had to learn was that performance coaching is not about offering advice or instruction – it’s about facilitating personal and professional growth through a deep understanding of human psychology, using questions and reflections to really invoke an awareness in the client. Turning off the inner Consultant has been a huge part of my unlearning! The fact is that the person who has the challenge or problem also holds the solution…the coach is there to help them unlock it.

It starts with building self-awareness. As a Coach I am learning to use various techniques to help individuals get curious about their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. By understanding their strengths, weaknesses and personal preferences, the coachee can develop a clearer picture of who they are and what drives them. From there they can look at their goals and aspirations. 

Effective performance coaching is rooted in the psychology of motivation. A coach helps a coachee define clear, achievable goals that align with their values and desires. By using a range of motivational techniques we can help the coachee ignite the inner drive needed to pursue these objectives relentlessly. This is all about tapping into someone’s intrinsic motivation – what is it they really want to be, do, have? And what action are they ready, willing and able to take to move towards that? 

Sometimes it’s the coachee themselves who is getting in their own way but it’s not the coach’s role to tell them that, rather it is about teasing out and challenging some of the limiting self-beliefs which may be holding clients back.  Our beliefs about ourselves and our abilities significantly impact our performance. By replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations and realistic self-perceptions, individuals can boost their self-confidence and enhance their performance.

We can explore what else is stopping them from achieving their desires – for instance procrastination and resistance are common psychological barriers to achieving goals. As a coach we can go deep in assisting the coachee to understand the root causes of these behaviours and develop strategies to overcome them. By addressing the underlying psychological factors, individuals can break free from the cycle of avoidance and take meaningful action.

The psychology of performance coaching also addresses the emotional aspect of success. Coaches help clients manage stress, anxiety, and fear that can hinder peak performance. Techniques such as mindfulness, relaxation exercises, and emotional intelligence development enable individuals to stay calm under pressure and make sound decisions.

All of this is done with ZERO judgement and holding the coachee with unconditional positive regard. That has probably been the most wonderful part for me so far. It is so empowering for the individual being coached to realise they have everything in themselves to make their desires a reality. That success is not solely determined by external factors but by the inner workings of the mind. That whatever you want to be, do and have is potentially accessible for you. Coaching is the key to unlocking it! If you are interested in finding out more about coaching, drop us a line – we’d love to help you!

Businesses are constantly looking for ways to stay competitive and innovative but one powerful strategy that can help an organisation thrive is to embrace diversity within their workforce. When you bring together individuals from different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, you open the door to a world of opportunities and advantages. 

Here are our top 7 business benefits:

  1. Enhanced creativity

One of the key benefits of having a diverse workforce is the potential for increased creativity and innovation. When you bring together people with different life experiences, cultures, and perspectives, you create a breeding ground for fresh ideas. These diverse viewpoints can lead to more creative problem-solving, novel product development, and innovative approaches to challenges. This creative diversity can set your business apart from competitors and drive growth.

  1. Representative of your customers

Having employees who understand and represent different cultures, ages, sexual orientation and genders can be a significant advantage when it comes to building trust with diverse customers and tailoring your products or services to meet their specific needs.

  1. Improved Employee Engagement and retention

Employees from different backgrounds often feel more engaged and satisfied in workplaces that value their unique perspectives. When your team members see that you’re committed to diversity and inclusion, they’re more likely to feel a sense of belonging and stay loyal to your organisation. High levels of employee engagement can lead to increased productivity and reduced turnover, which ultimately saves your business time and money.

  1. Enhanced problem solving

Diverse teams are often more effective at problem-solving. When faced with complex challenges, having individuals with different backgrounds and experiences can lead to a broader range of solutions. Different perspectives can highlight potential blind spots and bring alternative solutions to the table, resulting in more informed and effective decision-making.

  1. Improved reputation 

Consumers today are increasingly conscious of corporate social responsibility. Businesses that actively promote diversity and inclusion not only benefit from better internal dynamics but also enjoy a more positive reputation in the eyes of the public. This can lead to increased customer loyalty, brand trust, and a competitive advantage in the market.

  1. Compliance with Legal and Ethical Standards

Most countries now have laws and regulations which require businesses to promote diversity and equal opportunity in the workplace. By proactively fostering a culture diversity, you not only stay compliant with these legal requirements but also demonstrate your commitment to ethical business practices, which can enhance your image and credibility.

  1. Access to a wider pool of talent 

Diversity initiatives can help you tap into a wider talent pool. When you actively seek employees from different backgrounds, you’re more likely to attract a diverse group of highly skilled candidates. This means you can choose from a broader range of talent, which can ultimately strengthen your workforce and bring fresh perspectives to your organisation.

Embracing diversity is not just about ticking boxes or meeting quotas – it’s a strategy that can truly unlock competitive advantage. If this is of interest and you want to do more to attract different people to come and work for your organisation, think about your recruitment strategy. Are you considering different places to advertise job opportunities? Are you tapping into diverse networks locally? Are you asking your existing employees to use their own networks? Being intentional in how you recruit people from different backgrounds is the key, and then involving your people through a range of employee engagement interventions. Get in touch if you’d like to discuss more ideas – we’d love to help!

Money isn’t just a transactional tool in business – it is the very lifeblood that fuels growth, innovation, and success. Without money you don’t have a business – you have a hobby! So, when it is such an important subject, why do so many people find talking about money so difficult? At DICE we don’t shy away from the money conversation, in fact it is usually one of the first subjects we will dive into with a business owner. One of the recurring things we find is that as a leader in any business, cultivating a positive attitude toward money is the key to making more of it. 

There’s lots of talk about money mindset these days but what do we mean exactly? For us it is about your approach and attitude. Are you coming from a scarcity or wealth mindset? This is usually deep-rooted stuff from our childhoods and upbringing – if someone didn’t have a lot of money growing up it can lead to an origin story of lack and that there is never enough. This may manifest in your business as being a penny-pincher or constantly worrying that you will lose a contract or client. 

A scarcity mindset can lead to fear-driven decisions and a reluctance to invest in your business. Transforming this mindset into one of abundance can open doors to creative problem-solving and the courage to seize opportunities. Instead of fearing expenses, you’ll see them as investments that can yield returns. This doesn’t mean spending ALL the money (that is a whole other money mindset block!) but it does mean seeking out opportunities to make leaps into different areas, to embrace calculated risks and invest in tools, systems, and processes that will take your business into new areas.

Cultivating a positive mindset around money helps you to weather the inevitable ups and downs of business as your beliefs ultimately shape your reality. A positive money mindset can attract success by fostering a sense of confidence, determination, and a willingness to overcome obstacles. Clients, partners, and investors are often drawn to businesses projecting such positivity.

Understanding your personal and business worth is also a key factor in having a positive money mindset. That isn’t just about pricing your products or services appropriately it is about recognising the value you bring to your industry and community. A strong money mindset empowers you to ask for what you deserve, which in turn bolsters your business and personal financial health. Ultimately this results in you being able to help more people – be that through your business by mentoring less experienced members of the team or through philanthropic ventures such as charitable causes. When you aren’t worried about how to pay the bills and keep the lights on you have far more space and energy as a leader to be able to give back to others.

So how do you cultivate a healthy money mindset? Start by acknowledging your current beliefs about money. Are they limiting or empowering? From there, actively work on reframing any negative beliefs. Educate yourself about financial literacy, seek mentorship from other business leaders who have already mastered it, and surround yourself with individuals who share a positive outlook on money.

Finally, there are lots of smaller things you can do to incorporate daily practices that reinforce your money mindset – from gratitude journaling to visualisation of financial success. Remember, managing your money mindset isn’t a one and done thing – it is an ongoing journey that will help you and your business to grow and succeed. 

If you’re a business leader and would value chatting through any aspect of your organisational ambitions with someone who has walked in your shoes, we’d love to chat to you. Drop us a line at: [email protected] to arrange.

At DICE one of the things we get asked frequently to support clients with is getting a promotion at their work. This may be through a mentoring discussion or in our leadership development programmes. Most people believe that it is hard work alone that will get them there but in fact it is only 10% of the story.

According to Harvey Coleman, the author of “Empowering Yourself, The Organizational Game Revealed” there are three factors that get people recognised and promoted at work, which are:

This is easily remembered if you think of the acronym PIE – Perform, Image, Exposure – and like a Pie chart with three parts, they are not all created equally! 

Coleman suggests that the foundation is your Performance but that is the smallest piece of the pie accounting for 10% of the reason you may get recognised. Being a star performer at work will help you to standout and get noticed, as will taking ownership of your performance plan. Develop a plan collaboratively with your line manager to make sure it aligns with their expectations. The plan should be aligned to the organisational objectives so that any improvements you are making yourself have a direct impact on the performance of the overall organisation. Challenge yourself and be prepared to take on greater responsibilities before the promotion or pay rise to show your commitment and dedication. 

The next chunk of the pie is Image at 30%. Coleman’s theory is that cultivating your image is paramount to achieving recognition. This involves maintaining a professional demeanour, dressing the part if appropriate to do so (time to dress for the job you want and not the one you have!), focusing on improving your verbal and non-verbal communication. Fostering teamwork and a positive attitude. Look and learn from others above you – seek out a mentor who may provide some valuable insights on how other people perceive you. Aligning your image with the expected behaviours for the next role is key.

The final chunk of the pie is Exposure at a whopping 60%, which is often referred to as visibility in the workplace. Being seen by the right people and being in the right places at the right times with the right manner is the key. Seek out opportunities to lead company events or activities, get involved in employee social activities, volunteer to take on something outside of your direct remit. Also don’t underestimate the value of external visibility – engage in professional organisations, seek opportunities to promote the organisation outside of your day job and get into the spotlight. 

DICE Co-Founder Kate Cousens recognises that all three of these components accounted for her career progression, and shares: “I hadn’t come across Coleman’s work when I was working in a career environment but what he shares in his book really resonates with me. I see it all of the time with clients now – they are working super hard and think that alone will get them to the next rung of the ladder but haven’t considered their own personal brand and image in being a factor. Getting known by the right people for the right reasons in an organisation is so important. I would always advise taking charge of your own personal development plan and seeking ways to play a larger leadership role outside of your day-job. There are always projects that the senior leadership team members are looking for support with and if you are there with your hand up ready, willing and able to help with the right attitude, your career will be elevated for sure!”.

If you are looking to develop in your career and would like some support either through coaching, mentoring, or leadership development – we can help. Get in touch for an informal chat. 

Love it or hate it – there’s no denying that football can teach us a lot about effective leadership. Here are our top 10 takeaway lessons you can take from football and apply in your own organisational leadership….

1.Build a sense of belonging – as a leader it is your role to foster a sense of belonging to make sure that your team feel part of something bigger when they come to work every day. Just as football captains create a sense of teamwork in their play, organisations flourish when they are working together towards a shared goal.

2.Clear communication is key – like players on the pitch, leaders need to communicate clearly, concisely and regularly. Effective communication eliminates confusion and ensures everyone is on the same page.

3.Strategic planning – like business, football requires both strategic and tactical play and similarly leaders need to plan for the long term as well as the short. A well thought out strategy guides the team and motivates them towards achieving.

4.Motivation matters – motivating footballers to give their all in every game is a tough job for football coaches and the same thing goes for leaders who need to ignite passion for the job at hand and keep morale high, even during sometimes challenging situations.

5.Adaptability and being fleet of foot – football games can literally change in an instant and team players have to adapt to stay ahead. Leaders must be flexible in their approach too and be ready to pivot when circumstances evolve.

6.Resilience and determination – football teams face multiple challenges, losses and setbacks in any given season. Being able to dig deep and keep going through the tough times is a key leadership attribute as overcoming adversity is key to success.

7.Inclusion and diversity – football teams are made up of players from very different backgrounds and like in an organisation it is key for leaders to create an inclusive environment where different views and opinions are valued and respected.

8.Accountability – in football, each player’s role impacts the team’s performance. Similarly, leaders must hold themselves and their team accountable for their responsibilities.

9.Continuous improvement – football players train relentlessly to improve their skills so that they can stay top of their game. Leaders should encourage a culture of continuous learning and development to ensure that they also have the best team players in their business.

10.Celebrate wins – just as teams celebrate goals and trophies, leaders should recognise and celebrate individual and team achievements, no matter how big or small.

So, let’s take a page from the football playbook. Combine strategy, teamwork, adaptability, leadership, resilience, and passion to score big in the game of business! If you are looking to develop and improve your leaders, we can help. Registration for our Group Mentoring Leadership Development Programme is now live – find out more at:

As the summer begins to wane and the days gradually shorten, a familiar sentiment stirs within us – the back-to-school spirit. Just as children and students around the world are arming themselves with new pencil cases and school shoes, business leaders can harness the energy of a new season with a determination to conquer their goals for the rest of the year.

Whether you’re currently busy getting back into the swing of lunchboxes and PE kits or not, this sense of new beginnings and untapped potential extends beyond the confines of school. At DICE, we love embracing that invigorating ‘back to school’ feeling, and it’s about more than just shopping for stationery supplies!

As we make the shift from Summer to Autumn and the start of a new business quarter there’s definitely a fresh feeling in the air. Maybe it’s the pre-Christmas focus, compelling business owners to recalibrate their efforts and zero in on achieving their end-of-year aspirations. Much like students embarking on a fresh term, business owners can get super focused on achieving their annual goals before the year concludes.

Firstly it is the ideal time to reflect on the goals you’ve achieved so far before focusing on what you want to achieve for the remainder of the year. Amidst the day-to-day whirlwind of tasks and to-do lists it’s all too easy for larger business goals to get forgotten about. We have a simple yet powerful strategy for keeping those objectives vibrant and thriving, and that is simply putting pen to paper.

Writing your goals down is a tool that is deeply rooted in neuroscience. When you commit your ambitions to paper, you’re not simply noting down aspirations – you’re breaking them down into achievable targets.

How does it work? Every time you engage in thoughtful actions, your brain forges fresh neural pathways. Repetition solidifies these pathways, forming the bedrock of achievement. By dedicating time to jotting down your goals, you’re effectively constructing over 10,000 new neural pathways in one sitting – a true cognitive boost! In contrast, typing your goals on a computer generates approximately only 600 new neural pathways. The disparity is remarkable, as the act of writing engages your mind on a totally different level. So it really is time to go back to the old school and get out that pen and paper!

The visual influence is also a factor. Position your written goals in a space where they’ll frequently catch your eye in a similar way you might have a vision board because seeing your goals repeatedly will also spur you on.

So get that nice new notebook, grasp that shiny new pen and let your aspirations tip from your mind onto the page. And should you find yourself considering how to make your business and professional goals a reality, get in touch with us. We love nothing better than providing our personal guidance, support, and expertise to help you transform your desires into tangible reality! Get in touch to arrange a free and confidential chat about your business – [email protected]

One of the things we explore when we are working with a client is how they use meetings. Meetings can get a bad reputation and there’s no wonder because we have all been there, stuck in an endless, boring, or even seemingly pointless meeting. But when used correctly, meetings can be a really powerful tool in operating your business and making things happen.

Here are our top 10 tips on how to use meetings effectively in your business:

1. Have a clear purpose for the meeting

If you are scheduling the meeting then you need to assume the function of the Chair of that meeting. Ask yourself what is the purpose of this meeting? Be specific about what you want to achieve. Whether it’s decision-making, problem-solving, or sharing updates, a clear purpose keeps everyone focused and ensures the meeting is worth everyone’s time.

2. Set an agenda

Once you have a purpose, create a well-structured agenda. Share it with participants in advance, so they can come prepared. An agenda helps keep the meeting on track, prevents veering off-topic, and makes the best use of everyone’s time.

3. Create a safe environment by checking-in at the start with everyone

People are busy and are juggling a number of commitments both at work and at home on any given day. Take a few moments to ‘check-in’ to find out how people are arriving today so that you can understand where people are at. Visit or Google The Blob Tree for a really simple tool to get people to open up in a safe and relaxed way.

4. Organise a time and stick to it

Everyone’s time is precious so keep your meetings to time (beginning and end), always ensure you have a ‘hard stop’ time for the meeting. If there are items which haven’t been discussed, arrange a follow-up to pick up and progress.

5. Make sure the right people are in the room

Consider who needs to be involved based on the topic area(s) so that you can have the key players who have a direct impact at hand.

6. Encourage active participation

Avoid having observers in the room, encourage everyone to voice their opinions, create an environment of open discussion and invite questions. An interactive meeting fosters collaboration and leads to better ideas and solutions.

7. Stay focused and on track

It’s easy to get side-tracked during meetings and jump into rabbit holes! Be a vigilant facilitator and gently steer the conversation back to the agenda whenever it drifts off course. Stay disciplined and keep everyone aligned with the meeting’s purpose.

8. Minimise distractions

Ask participants to put their phones on silent and refrain from multitasking. If you have checked-in effectively at the start of the meeting you will know where people are at and if they have something urgent to attend to which may take them away for part of the meeting. A distraction- free environment boosts engagement and keeps everyone attentive.

9. Take action notes

Assign someone in the meeting to take note of the meeting’s key points, decisions, and action items. Assign responsibilities for each action item and set deadlines – this ensures accountability and follow- through after the meeting.

10. Check out and agree follow-up

In the same way you invited everyone to check-in with how they were showing up for the meeting, take the last few minutes to check out with how people are leaving the session. The final point of the meeting should be to agree how you will follow up, this may be emailing action items to all participants. A follow-up email reinforces what was discussed and provides a reference for future meetings. It also helps ensure that everyone is on the same page.

By implementing these tips, you’ll be on your way to running effective meetings that keep your business moving forward with purpose and efficiency. A final tip is to make sure you are continuously assessing the effectiveness of your meetings – gather input from attendees and keep things fluid. Having a continuous improvement approach helps you to ensure that your meeting structure remains fluid and relevant. And if you’d like any help with getting your meeting structure and operations more effective, drop us a line at: [email protected] because we would love to help you get more organised!

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