We come across many different business buzzwords and the one that continuously pops up, particularly since the pandemic, is Psychological Safety and the need to create a culture of psychological safety. So, what does that look like in a business?

Psychological safety at work refers to the ability to express yourself without fear of repercussions for your self-image, position, or job. It can be characterised as a shared understanding that the team, or organisation, is a safe place to take calculated risks.

In simple terms, it is about creating an environment where people feel comfortable showing up as themselves and sharing their thoughts and opinions on things. It is about people feeling safe to admit a mistake when something goes wrong, rather than hide or look to others for blame.

Leaders need to set the tone by encouraging supportive and open discussions. This might take time if it is a shift in how you have always done things. Employees can feel reluctant to speak their minds for fear of being excluded or reprimanded. In this case, leaders need to work harder to empower people to share their ideas and approaches, which over time will lead to greater growth, creativity, and innovation.

A two-year study conducted by Google on team performance revealed that the highest-performing teams had one thing in common, which was psychological safety. The teams conducted mild risk-taking, they had true openness between people and an innovative approach.

If employees feel psychologically safe, they will be comfortable exchanging information and asking questions, as well as providing and receiving feedback. There will be no fear of harassment or being bullied since the culture of psychological safety at work will encourage the free sharing of knowledge and opinion.

Here are our top tips for creating a culture of psychological safety:

1. Know people on a personal level

A psychologically safe workplace begins with a feeling of belonging. Connecting with your employees is not just talking about work or checking on a specific project’s progress, it is also about checking in with each other.

2. Never blame, always explain

If an employee makes a mistake, explain why it is wrong and make sure that they understand why they are wrong but never blame them. Transparent communication will produce better results than simply blaming employees for their faults.

3. Seek and be open to feedback

Make sure that employees feel safe in voicing their opinions to you and that you are open to listening to feedback, whether it is positive or negative.

4. Give praise and recognition where it is due

Recognise and appreciate people when they have done a good job. This helps to engender a sense of pride which will drive people to perform to the best of their abilities in the future. A ‘thank you’ and ‘well done’ goes a long way.

Promoting psychological safety at work is not just letting employees voice their thoughts, it is also nurturing a culture in which mistakes are owned, corrected, and learned from. Leaders foster a trusting environment where everyone at any and all levels is encouraged to share ideas that help the organisation go faster.

If you need any support with improving the culture of psychological safety in your organisation, we can help. Get in touch to find out more.

When we work with clients, we refer to various leadership theories, methodologies, and models to bring things to life. One of the biggest ‘aha moments’ we get with clients is when we share Stephen Karpman’s Drama Triangle with them. This is a psychology model used frequently by therapists in relationship counseling, but it is also very powerful in helping to build stronger team relationships at the top table.

The model helps people to realise that they are responsible for their own lives and happiness. That whatever they are currently blaming on others, they are in fact responsible for causing.

Imagine a triangle with each side being a role – the three roles are Victim, Villain, and Rescuer. We tend to have a favourite starting position which we can adopt as our default life position and from this position we then attract people who play complementary roles. Although we can also fall into playing different roles with different people (sub-ordinates, managers, family members, etc).

Very often the role people most relate to is Rescuer. A Rescuer loves to help others and ‘rescue’ the day. Because of this they often attract Victims because they are people who love to be rescued! On the outside, it looks as though Rescuers are in the best position to be on the triangle, but this isn’t true – the drama triangle keeps us in a state of dependency and doesn’t encourage people to be empowered to make their own decisions or stand on their own two feet.

The Villain might be one of those people in the office who never see the positive in anything or they are quick to point out the one thing you haven’t done rather than praise you for the several things you have completed. The Villain loves to look for others to blame and is likely to see the Victim as useless – in the way a parent might chastise a child for not being able to do something quickly enough.

All of the roles on the triangle are fundamentally masks that we wear to cover up our inherent feeling of ‘not enough-ness’. The solution is not to move to a different position on the triangle but to move off it altogether.

There is an imbalance of power when we are in the drama triangle and that is because deep down the Rescuer believes they know better than the Victim and doesn’t believe they are able to do things for themselves or to as good a level as they can do things. They aren’t treating them like an adult. Consciously or subconsciously, they believe they are ‘above’ them.

At its very core, the Rescuer is trying to feel good about themselves by stepping in and ‘helping’ others. They inherently believe they are better or know more than the Victim and are looking for some form of praise or recognition. But what happens more often than not is that the recognition doesn’t come in the way the Rescuer hoped, and they end up feeling overwhelmed with all of the work they have on because they are doing everything for everyone, and then eventually a switch occurs, and the Rescuer moves into playing the role of the Victim. The Villain can also quickly switch to the role of the Victim – feelings of ‘poor little me’ when people resist or complain about their actions.

Both the Rescuer and the Villain are in a ‘one-up’ position because they see themselves as superior to the Victim and get their sense of purpose or feelings of ‘okay-ness’ by keeping the Victim in their place. The Victim is often driven by feelings of fear – fear of what might happen if they are ‘found out’ or if they get things wrong.

Whilst we might have positions on the triangle, we find ourselves fulfilling more often than others, we are all capable of switching between each of the roles on a daily or even momentary basis within a conversation. The good news is that being aware of the drama triangle and the different roles we might be falling into the trap of playing is half the battle to avoiding it.

David Emerald wrote a book called The Power of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic) which offers powerful alternatives to the Victim, Villain, and Rescuer. The alternatives increase choice and really are about switching each reactive role into its assertive and adult proactive choice.

In The Empowerment Dynamic, the Victim becomes Creator. You don’t allow yourself to be dragged into the Victim mindset, you know you are the Creator of your own reality and that you have a choice. Rather than feeling helpless, you make an assertive choice to remain hopeful, inspired, and energised and take responsibility for the choices you make.

The Villain becomes Challenger. We need to trust that people are inherently capable of making their own decisions and rather than criticising or becoming frustrated we can remain confident that with the right amount of challenge and support, the person will take the required action to improve and grow. It’s fine to hold people accountable but not make them feel dominated.

The Rescuer becomes Coach. This involves empowering people and trusting in their abilities. Rather than thriving on being needed, you learn to get the same sense of achievement from helping people to take action and learn for themselves.   When used effectively, the shift from the drama triangle to the empowerment dynamic can lead to immense shifts within an organisation. Self-responsibility becomes the norm and people catch themselves before rescuing others. It’s a very powerful leadership tool – if you’re interested in finding out more about how we can help your team’s effectiveness, get in touch.

Becoming a good leader of people takes much more than obtaining the position and taking on a title. To be a leader you must have followers, and for people to follow you it requires an investment in the relationship you have built with them, what you have done for them, and what you have helped the company to achieve.

Intensifying the issue is that many organisations fail to provide formal leadership training to their managers – often putting people into leadership roles who have never been taught how to lead, manage, and motivate others.

That leaves people to flounder and so often we find people reaching out to us to ask for advice on what books they can read on leadership, or what podcasts we would recommend they listen to. Of course, there are hundreds of books, podcasts, and other materials you can consume on leadership, but nothing beats formal training.

Our leadership programme is accredited for Continuous Professional Development (CPD), and we cover a huge range of subject areas, such as change management, motivating people at scale through employee engagement, presentation, and communication skills. But if you aren’t fortunate enough to work for an organisation that will invest in developing your leadership skills, here are our top tips to help you on your self-learning journey:

Our final piece of advice would be to seek out someone who is further ahead of you to act as a mentor. Even if it is just one conversation over a coffee – ask them what they found helpful when they were starting out on their leadership journey, and what tips they would share with you.

If you would like to know more about our leadership development training, get in touch – we would love to help!

One important aspect of leadership is authority— exert too much and people feel like they are being treated like a child, but if you do not project enough authority, it can come across as lacking confidence.

Managers have to strike the right balance between leading and directing the work that needs to be done whilst giving freedom and flexibility so that employees feel they have autonomy within their roles. So as a people manager, how do you strike that balance? The answer lies in how you communicate with your team members and remember there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach.

Good communication skills are beneficial for everyone at work, however as you progress into leadership roles, more specific skills and awareness is needed to help address diverse personalities and often more complicated messaging associated with things like organisational change.

Whenever we communicate, we are doing so consciously and unconsciously from our own identities, perceptions and biases about ourselves and those we are communicating with. We can easily forget this and just assume that communication is a direct exchange of information from one person to another. But how you communicate is highly nuanced by these things, as is how the recipient receives the message. They will have their own cultural, social, psychological, and emotional factors at play. All of this makes communication a messy leadership concept!

For example, we have all known the motivation-zapping feeling of being patronised or treated like a child. Or perhaps as a leader, it can sometimes feel like you are managing a group of disruptive school children rather than a team of responsible adults.

But there is a way to reduce the messiness which can lead to more productive and effective communication exchanges by managing and modifying our own behaviour. This is a concept called Transactional Analysis or TA. Dr Eric Berne famously wrote a book called ‘Games People Play’ where he defined three ‘ego states’ which he defined as a system of feelings accompanied by a related set of behaviour patterns.’ The three ego states are Parent, Adult and Child, and he recognised that everyone has all three of these states available to them, but which state we are in during an interaction can depend on different factors.

These factors could be how we have been conditioned to act or react from childhood, any past traumas which now cause us to act in a certain way during interactions or situations, how the other person we are interacting with is treating us, and what ego state they are in when speaking to us.

The child state can show up in two different ways – a free child that is creative, spontaneous and playful, or the adaptive child, which conforms to please and be liked but then can also be rebellious when faced with something they don’t like. The child state is built on reinforcements from childhood – maybe you were someone who did as they were told and followed the rules, or maybe you were the youngest sibling of the family who was carefree and always got away with things – you get the idea!

The parent has two states too – a critical and controlling parent and a nurturing parent. Berne believed that our experiences during our first five years of life contributed to the parent ego state – the thinking patterns and behaviours parents and other authority figures taught us. The critical parent disapproves in a harsh and possibly aggressive way, whereas the nurturing parent tries to take over a situation in more of a rescuing way, trying to soothe others which can be very inappropriate when talking to other adults rather than children.

Interacting with someone from the state of child or parent mode is often a default or unconscious reaction that is used, and it takes conscious awareness to be able to bring ourselves back into adult mode and interact from that place instead.

TA believes that adult to adult communication leads to the most effective and healthy communication and improve our relationships with others. The adult state interacts with people and its environment in the here and now, not from past conditioning or how other people have told them to be. This state is more open, more rational, and less quick to make harsh judgments on a situation or person. When communication takes place from the adult state, we are more likely to be respectful, make compromises, listen fully to others, and have more healthy social interactions.

Whenever we interact with others, transactions take place between our different ego states. Here’s an example of a conversation between a manager and an employee and their different ego states outlined in brackets:

Manager: What time is the train due (Adult)

Employee: It’s five minutes late (Adult)

Manager: That’s just typical! (Critical Parent)

Employee: Yes, they always seem to be late, and they never give any warning (Critical Parent)

Manager: Whilst we have some time I need to let you know that I checked over your report and it is full of spelling mistakes, you should have run the spell-check (Critical Parent)

Employee: Oh, I am sorry, it won’t happen again (Adaptive Child)

Manager: I can hear the train arriving (Adult)

Employee: That’s good, we won’t be too late (Adult)

Manager: Let me help you with your suitcase (Nurturing Child)

Employee: Oh thank you so much! (Free Child)

Manager: Oh wow they’re upgrading us to first class (Free Child)

Employee: Fantastic! (Free Child)

Staying in Adult/Adult state as a people leader requires both immense self-awareness as well as an understanding and awareness of the people you are leading. Transactional Analysis is just one of the many methodologies we teach on our leadership programme and support our clients with. Get in touch to find out more.

How many of you made New Year’s Resolutions this year? And how many of you have broken them? The fact is that change is much harder to achieve than we most often think. Ultimately making changes can be tough!

Did you know there is a formula for change? There are four key areas balanced on two sides. On the left-hand side, we have two factors – Dissatisfaction with today, i.e., how unhappy we are with the way things currently are – this is the current state. That, multiplied with the vision for the future, or the story you want to create, is your first number for the formula.

Current state/Dissatisfaction with today

High dissatisfaction with your current state, multiplied by a clear vision and story for the future can create the urgency to make changes. But dissatisfaction needs to be sufficiently high to make this happen.

When you have high dissatisfaction, you can address change by changing your state. How unhappy you are – really – is going to impact on how ready, willing, and able you are to make a change. The thing is that as humans we put up with a lot – better the devil you know. The question you need to ask yourself is how unhappy are you with where you are at right now?

What we most often find when people are trying to make a change and not doing it is that they are either just too comfy with what is happening today, therefore they don’t really want to change. Because if we are highly unhappy with where we are today and we like the idea of something different happening in the future, we will be ready to make a change. Ultimately it is about galvanising the things about today that make you unhappy and the things you want for the future.

Vision for the future/the story

What do you want your future to be like? What is the story you are telling yourself – remember the BE, DO, HAVE model from previous blogs? Do you have a compelling vision for the future that can become possible if you make the changes you are considering?

If there is an exciting vision for the future and every day you get focused on it, you are far more likely to make the changes.

In a business context this looks like being willing to let go of things that keep you playing in your comfort zone. Whether it is delegating more, saying no to things, managing your time more effectively – fundamentally the dissatisfaction with today has to be multiplied with the vision for the future.

Next steps/strategy

Now you need to consider what is your strategy/action plan to make it happen? Let’s use a common one of weight loss, do you have a clear diet plan? Are you making a commitment for a certain amount of exercise per week? Have you joined a gym? Do you have an accountability partner to help you stay on track? If you don’t have a strategy, you aren’t setting yourself up to succeed.

Even if you have a strategy, most people find that this alone isn’t enough to overcome the resistance to change. Without force of being really dissatisfied with today or having a clear vision of the future change does not occur.

Next steps are all about taking the steps to make the change. Make sure they are positive, know that they will change on a regular basis, be prepared to change your course of direction to take account of things you hadn’t seen coming. In a nutshell, change only occurs when dissatisfaction, vision and next steps are dialled up.

Resistance to change/the story

You need to work out what is stopping you from making the change. What are the things that are causing you resistance to change? Are you happy in your comfort zone? Do you really want to change? Are the odds stacked against you really or are you making excuses? This is where a coach can help you to push you through the stories you are telling yourself and uncover the real resistance to change!

Ultimately with this formula if you take the dissatisfaction with today, the vision for the future, plus next steps, and those three factors are greater than your resistance to change, change will happen. If they are less than your resistance to change, nothing will happen.

How much do you really want to change?

Take a moment and apply the change formula to any aspect of your work/home life that you have been considering changing. Give each aspect of the formula a number on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest. What do you notice? Do you need some help working out what it is that is causing your resistance to change? That’s where we can help. Either through one-to-one coaching or mentoring, or a combination of the two, we are here to help you get to where you want to. Get in touch with us for a free and confidential chat about your business.

As a strategy for SME business owners, growing your own pipeline of talent is a good one. If people can see there are clear paths for progression accompanied by strong personal development plans, you are well on the way to retaining your talent.

When it comes to your people leaders, it is important to be intentional about what you want to achieve. Start with the end in mind and work backwards. As a senior leader yourself, what experience, education and knowledge do you have that you can impart? What will help people get there quicker?

As we have said before, most individuals progress from doing something on the front line into line management. Unfortunately, being good at your current job does not necessarily mean you are going to be able to be a good people manager and leader. Individuals with no leadership training, experience or skills who are moved into roles managing others are most likely to cause you longer term issues – short term gain can lead to long term pain of people feeling de-motivated, lacking direction and support.

There really shouldn’t be any ‘sink or swim’ when it comes to people’s careers. Instead, you should be teaching your employees to swim based on proper training alongside support and coaching from within your organisation. If you are a small business, teach more of your employees to swim before they ever step into the pool (ok I think we have laboured this analogy now) by giving them leadership development before they become line managers. As Richard Branson said: “Train people well enough so they can leave. Treat them well enough so they don’t want to.”

We call these people ‘future leaders’ and when we have worked with clients to develop their future leaders before they step into line management roles, we always find that performance in their current role improves. Why? Because they begin to think and act like leaders. We help them to understand what people need from a line manager, how to motivate people, how their own feelings and beliefs impact their ability, and so much more. 

The saying goes that great leaders are built, not born. Promoting from within your organisation is a powerful, positive signal. But not everyone is set out to be a leader. Here are some of the attributes we have seen that lead to great people managers:

  1. Empathy: Do they consider other people’s opinions and viewpoints? Managers must understand the views of others, show good emotional intelligence, and avoid a one-size-fits-all management approach.
  2. Attention to detail: Do they produce quality work on their own or do you have to push them to maintain your desired standard? Managers set the bar, so be sure it’s a bar you’ll be happy with.
  3. Organised: Do they stay on top of their own work well enough you think they can do it for others? A disorganised manager will have a disorganised team.
  4. Leading: Have you seen them successfully take charge of a group before to tackle a problem? This shows they may have an interest in managing and the team is more likely to accept them as a leader.
  5. Growth mindset: Do they demonstrate an interest in growth and learning? People management is a steep learning curve which they have to be interested in working on. If they are someone who sees solutions to problems, this is a good sign they are someone with a growth mindset.

Our leadership development programme is CPD accredited and can be delivered flexibly to suit the needs of your organisation. Get in touch to find out more.

Many SME businesses look to promote from within their company, which is great for employee motivation as well as succession planning. However, when it comes to promoting people into line management roles, it is important they are given the right tools to be able to succeed in their role.

A common scenario we see is that someone who is good at a technical job – say Sales – gets promoted and is now heading up the Sales division. Let’s call them Sam. The business owner (let’s call them Taylor) thinks it’s happy days – Sam is great at selling so now the Sales team will be flying because Sam is in charge. But Sam doesn’t know the first thing about line management, other than what they have experienced from Taylor and that has been pretty much an approach of ‘just sell more’. Sam is responsible for three Sales Executives who all have unique approaches and are motivated by very different things. Sam’s approach of ‘just sell more’ isn’t inspiring any of them and due to their different personalities, the team members are clashing regularly. Quickly the dynamic in the team becomes untenable and two out of the three hand their notice in to go to a competitor. Taylor is fed up with Sam and Sam is feeling deflated and under-valued. He is also looking to leave at the earliest opportunity.

Sound familiar? Ok, so this story might be far-fetched, but we know there are elements of truth in here because we see it time and again! So, what do you need to do to set your line managers up for success? Of course, we would say invest in developing their leadership skills – ensure they are trained and know how to lead, manage, and motivate people. If for some reason that isn’t possible, we recommend you focus on supporting them in four key areas.

1. Setting a vision for their team

Good people managers will be able to think of the bigger picture for their team, setting a vision for where they want to be and then working out the action steps to help them get there.

2. Developing people

Whilst motivating and challenging people to improve themselves and deliver for the organisation is important, it is also crucial for line managers to be thinking about developing the people in their team. Looking at skills analysis and having open conversations about what an individual’s aspirations are.

3. Role modelling the values

Your organisation’s values are at the heart of everything your people do. It’s how they show up, the behaviours they display with each other and with your customers or clients. You want your line managers to role model these values so that their team members can follow suit.

4. Teach them how to coach

If empowerment is a quality you want to instil in your business, it is a good idea to teach your line managers how to coach others. Coaching requires specific communication skills as well as acquiring the art of delegation without dictation! Turn your managers and leaders into coaches and you will unlock greater accountability and innovation.

All of these areas and a lot more are covered in our CPD accredited leadership development programme. Get in touch to find out more.

Setting New Year’s Intentions for your Business

It’s that time of the year when we all start setting New Year’s Resolutions but what about if we set New Year Intentions instead? When we are thinking of resolutions it is usually bad habits we want to break but that is often coming at it from a negative perspective of things we don’t want to do.

Intentions on the other hand are things we do want to do or achieve – goals, objectives, tasks. Fast forward 12 months – what would you like to be different in your business? What would you love to have ticked off the to-do list and got finished? Start with the end in mind and work back.

If you want to grow your social media following, start with an intention of posting something to your followers every single day for the next year. If you want to have more clients, make an intention to be more visible at networking events or by being bold and asking to meet with prospective clients to talk about what you offer.

Intentions can be big or small but either way they imply you have a growth mindset and are willing to work towards something. Often an intention helps you to achieve a bigger goal, for instance you can set an intention to go on more walks during the week which helps you with an overall goal or objective of getting fitter.

The key with intentions is to make them achievable so that you can feel good when you are making progress.  Here are a few simple intentions that you could consider putting into practise in your business:

  1. Set an intention for shorter meeting times – rather than always scheduling an hour, could you improve productivity in your business by reducing every meeting by 15 mins?
  2. Set an intention to always approach challenges with a growth mindset. As and when issues or hurdles crop up, set the intention that you will approach them from a perspective of positivity and opportunities for development.
  3. Set an intention for your people to use their cars less when travelling to the office or to see clients – could they travel on public transport or car-share with each other? Track the progress made over the course of the year – how much carbon has that saved? Has that impacted positively on the environmental footprint of the business?

Think about the areas of your business that you’d like to encourage positive changes and set some intentions with your people which help you to make steps towards achieving them.

If Your Business Can’t Run Without You, It Won’t Grow Beyond You

One of the questions we ask prospective clients is what would happen if they took a month off from their business – would it still operate the same? Most business owners laugh at the prospect of this. But if your business can’t operate without you then chances are it won’t be able to grow beyond you.

One of the reasons for starting a business is to have freedom and autonomy but nothing eats more into that freedom than having the buck always stopping with you. If you are the bottle neck for all decision making, if you are the only person who can make things happen then it might be time for a rethink.

Making your business less dependent on you has several benefits – you can scale your company more quickly; you get more time to enjoy life outside of your business, and a business less dependant on its owner is much more valuable to be able to sell it in the future.

But where do you start? Here are our top tips for getting started:

  1. Document all of your business processes – if everything lives in your head, get it out of your head and down on paper. How do you onboard clients? What are the passwords for your website? Create a standard business operating manual. This isn’t just helpful for someone holding the fort if you get run over by a bus, it can also be a great guide for new starters joining your business.
  2. Develop your team – if you are fortunate to have people working in your business then help them to improve their skills and experiences by teaching them how to do some of the things that you do. You can start small with a week’s holiday – what would be all of the things you’d usually do that you could delegate to others?
  3. Change your mindset – sometimes as business owners we are the blockers. If we can get out of people’s way, they might surprise us. Have an open mind to what people are capable of doing and give people the opportunity to have a go.
  4. Make a list of what only you can do and set yourself a challenge to abdicate as many of those tasks as you can. Yes, not delegate – abdicate! When people come to you for a decision, ask them to make it. Even when you want to say yes, say no, and put the onus on to others and once they are competent, leave it with them to do!
  5. Review your infrastructure – what systems do you have in place that helps your business operate without you? What can you automate? What could you outsource? Nowadays technology can do a lot of the heavy lifting – make sure you have your infrastructure working for you.

None of these things will happen overnight but if you make a commitment to them, slowly but surely you will be able to see that your time is freed up and you can focus on what you as the owner is there to do – which is to grow the business beyond you. If you need any help in this area, reach out – we can help.

Who you are being and what you are doing equals what you have

A lot of people believe that the more they do, the more they have, the happier they’ll be but there is actually a popular goal-setting exercise which totally reverses this thinking. This is the Be, Do, Have model and is one of the teachings we share in our leadership development programmes.

When we are thinking about what our ambitions and desires for the future, most people think they need to have certain things (more money, time, love, experience) so that they can do something important (start a business, buy a home, pursue a new relationship, travel the world), which in turn will allow them to be happier, inspired, peaceful.

Be, Do, Have suggests that it works the other way around and that we should start with focusing on the feelings of ‘being’ what we want (peaceful, inspired, successful) first because when we then start doing things from this state of being, it brings us the things we have always wanted to have.

This is a paradigm shift but if you think about living in alignment with ‘Be, Do, Have’ more of the time it can really alter your outlook on life. The order of the model is important. You start with what kind of person you have to beto reach a specific goal which in turn leads you to consider what you need to do to succeed. And finally you can focus on what you will have as a result.  

What if you remembered that you have the capacity to experience any state of being at any time – not just when things work out ‘perfectly’ or you achieve exactly what you want? There’s nothing wrong with going for your goals and dreams but when we are purely focused on the outcomes we want to have we can set ourselves up for disappointment when things don’t go exactly to that plan.

Focusing on how we are being in life creates the context for how we think, feel and act – these ultimately create our reality. A simple way of remembering this is to bear in mind we are human beings! Still confused as to where to start? Here are some tips to get you started…

You can use Be, Do, Have in every aspect of your life and it is a great model to help people who are stuck in the victim mindset and feel like they cannot change their outcome in life. This leads to one of our favourite DICE mantras – change your mindset, change your life!

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